Slowly Clearing out Instapaper

After realizing I had 400 unread articles in Instapaper (dating all the way back to 2009), I've declared bankruptcy by moving them into their own folder. I'll go through them slowly over the next year, and every week or two I'll post some of the best articles that I've come across. Here is this week's list.

A billion dollar software tech company is founded every 3 months *in U.S. - interesting list of some of the billion dollar companies that have come out in the past couple years.

12 Ted talks for Entrepreneurs - Some food for thought.

SO's definitive guide to forms based website authentication.

14 days with jQuery - old (2010), but contains some great videos about jQuery / javascript.

Why Ems? - I've been wanting to play around with Ems for awhile and I think these are some pretty valid points.

Modern Web Development - Length article in which Majd goes through almost every aspect of Chrome's WebKit Inspector. I definitely learned a couple new things.

9 users for cURL worth knowing - They go through the common use cases of using cURL. Good read and I'll be using this as a resource in the future.

TED: Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work - I've watched this a couple times since it came out. Good things to keep in mind.

Foundation: Ben Horowitz - I enjoy Kevin's interviews and this is a good one with Ben Horowitz.

Ryan Mathews

Ryan Mathews

San Francisco, CA