Ember.js Nested Routes

I had a hard time with nested routes the first time, so I hope to clear it up for others. Let's start with the following router:

  this.resource('posts', function(){

In order to get to the root path we need to go to #/posts. The Router gives us some named routes which we can use with the Handlebars linkTo method or Ember's transitionTo method. Ember has done a great job of removing boiler plate code for us. It automatically creates PostsView and PostsController which will look for a posts template. Let's link to it from the application template:

{{#linkTo 'posts'}}Posts{{/linkTo}}

What tripped me up is that when you define a resource, Ember will automatically use two templates (if given). The first you can think of as the "root" view. In this case it would be named posts. Additionally, following CRUD, it will also use an "index" view: posts/index. If you aren't going to have subviews then you could just use one template called posts, but if you want multiple subviews (show and edit for example) then you'll want to put an {{outlet}} inside the posts template in order for the subviews to be rendered there (or leave the posts template out all together). By going to posts (as in the linkTo above) it will, by default, attempt to render the index view.

If instead we want to go to the hello route, we could link to it with:

{{#linkTo 'posts.hello'}}Go to hello{{/linkTo}}

This idea of nested views also applies to nested resources, except that the name of the route will not be nested. If you want to see what routes you have (and their names) then in the JS console of your app type:


Additionally if we want to have the default route (/) go to our posts we can do that with:

App.IndexRoute = Em.Route.extend({
  redirect: function() {

Check out this JS bin to play around with this example code.

Ryan Mathews

Ryan Mathews

San Francisco, CA